Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HAHA~x layann~~!!

kn smalam aq ckp psl aq kne kacau tuhh kn....
pastu malam td dye bg mesej....
memule dye ckp "Mekom....tk anta gmbo pon..."
kn aq nyew limit sms da abes...so aq bio jerk r...

pastu dye bg mcj lg x lme lpas tuhh...
"npew tk wply tk nk men mcg nan cye ag ae"
haha...mmg aq x nk men mcj ngan ko lg pown....x kuase aq~

dlam ati aq just ade sorang jerk...opss! sorry...2 org jerk yg layak!!
that is NINO dan 'A'!!!!

best nyew dpt berbual ngan dye~!!!!

best nyew td!!!
td aq ber bual ngan 'A' slame 622 SAAT!!!!!
best nyew!!!
aq bkn r sgaje nk call dye tp aq da x leyh mcj coz limit mcj aq 300 sms jewp kn...*da abeh da...*

so aq call la sume owg yg anta mcj kt aq....
aq x tau r dye misscall aq dlu kew or bg mcj dulu coz aq ngah tito td...

aq pown call la dye n....

best gleww!!!!
x penah seyh aq berbual ngan dye lame cenggitu....

lepas abeh ber bual...kuar r baki minit berbual aq...
n aq salin!!!!

Akaun Minit (min)
Tempoh Panggilan: 622 saat
Caj: 11.00 min
Baki: Akaun Minit (24hrs): 83.00 min
Sah Sehingga: xx.xx.20xx

Monday, December 20, 2010


magazine: TV JAPAN (DEC 2010)
credits to: darkhriss@lj

Sakurai Sho’s analysis of the pairs inside Arashi

Matsumoto&Aiba – The reversed-aged pair
Considering their ages, Aiba-kun is one year older, but even so, somehow Matsumoto-kun seems to smack him very often. ( laugh ) 

Aiba&Ninomiya – The harmonized pair
Because they were together since a... long time ago, since their Junior days, how should I say this, they seem totally harmonized with each other. 

Ohno&Matsumoto – The combination pair
They often have to sign together at concerts, so I somehow have this image of them sticking close and singing. 

Ohno&Aiba – The soothing pair
Well, that’s because these two are always gentle/calm. Don’t they seem like being surrounded by a soothing atmosphere?

Matsumoto&Ninomiya – The level-headed pair
It’s true that these two are the youngest, but among the 5 of us, I think they’re the most level-headed persons. Rather than being naughty/mischievous, they give off a very reliable feeling. ( Oh Sho, if Nino 's not mischievous, I don't know who is...)

Ninomiya&Ohno – The entertainer pair
They sure have an image of always being together. They always play by doing some kind of short comic skits. Even when there’s no camera to record, they still do that in the green room. ( laughs )

 Aiba Masaki’s analysis of the pairs inside Arashi

Sakurai&Ohno – The senior pair
Because Sho-kun and Leader…are the oldest ones inside Arashi.

Ninomiya&Ohno – The playful pair
Generally speaking, there are a lot of times when they play with each other.

Ninomiya&Sakurai – The smart pair
Well, there are a lot of times when they get excited talking about computers.

Ohno&Matsumoto – The pair that diminished the distance between them
When Arashi was formed, Matsumoto used to talk to Leader in honorific language.

Matsumoto&Sakurai – The pair that loves soba ( soba = japanese noodles )
They sure eat soba a lot. They even order soba through the meal delivery service very often. ( laughs )

Matsumoto&Ninomiya – The pair that has the same tastes
For example, they seem to be reading the same manga very frequently. 


Ninomiya Kazunari's analysis of the pairs inside Arashi

Ohno&Aiba – The similar people pair
I think these two are very similar. Isn’t their compatibility good too? They never even had a fight before.

Ohno&Matsumoto – The typical brothers pair
These two are separated by the biggest number of years. The youngest is very level-headed, the oldest is very calm, just like some typical siblings.

Matsumoto&Aiba – Mutual understanding comrades
Well, because these two are together since their Junior days, they understand each other very well, right? 

Sakurai&Ohno – The pair that understands each other 
First of all, they really understand each other, these two. Their fellowship is simple yet long. I think that’s why they know each other so well.

Aiba&Sakurai – The super good friends pair
How should I say this…aren’t they the best friends? It seems they meet even at the tailor’s shop, and even went together shopping for clothes. Don’t they have the same hobbies and preferences?

Matsumoto&Sakurai – The level-headed pair
I guess these two are very level-headed. They have that kind of image. They’re like that during concerts too, and if you have some kind of problem, they lead you out of it. I have the impression that this kind of situation happens a lot. 


Ohno Satoshi's analysis of the pairs inside Arashi

Aiba&Ninomiya – The pair that messes around
Nino always messes around with Aiba-chan. He’s done that since a long time ago, and keeps doing it. 

Matsumoto&Aiba – The pharmacy pair ( LOL )
Aiba-chan often receives pills for hay fever from Matsumoto. Because Matsumoto has pretty much any kind of pill ( laughs ) 

Matsumoto&Ninomiya – The adult pair
These two are fresh. Even in the green room for example, you won’t see them doing skinship too often . That’s what I mean by “adult” ( laugh ) 

Sakurai&Aiba – The laughing pair
When they’re together, Sho-kun somehow constantly makes Aiba-chan burst into laughter. By things he does or says. They always seem to be having fun. 

Ninomiya&Sakurai – The high tension pair
They constantly get excited by different things. By…words for example, they get excited in that kind of situation. And at the concerts, these two suddenly start to mess around frequently. 

Matsumoto&Sakurai – The “adult” pair
Somehow…they seem “adult” ( laugh ). Them seem very calm. 


Matsumoto Jun's analysis of the pairs inside Arashi

Sakurai&Ohno – The impossible pair 
Perhaps these two are just impossible…Because there’s a sensible person and an intellectual. Leader is good at drawing but Sakurai-kun sucks ( laughs ).

Ninomiya&Sakurai – Yamada Tarou pair
They give me the image of “Yamada Tarou Monogatari”. The drama from back then still has a strong impression. Then, these two take their computers with them even we go touring. They both do that. 

Ninomiya&Ohno – The super close friends pair
After all, they’re the ones who are together most often. Somehow or other, they get along very well. They even hold hands frequently…How long are they gonna keep doing that? ( laugh ). Even I don’t know ( laugh ).

Aiba&Sakurai – The pair that loves golf
I have the feeling that these two talk about golf once in a while. It’s not like I watch them all the time.... but this is the impression I have. 

Ohno&Aiba – The pair that share the same feelings
They drink together at bars, they drink together at hotels, then get moved even to the point of crying together. I don’t quite understand what makes them feel so moved, but this kind of thing apparently happens. 

Aiba&Ninomiya – The classmates pair
These two are together since a looong time ago. They must have a very old bond too. They get along well. Like a friendship between two classmates.

Oricon releases their 2010 yearly ranking for “Artist Total Sales”!

Oricon releases their 2010 yearly ranking for “Artist Total Sales”!

Oricon has stamped the end of 2010 with the release of their yearly ranking for “Artist Total Sales“.  The ranking is based on the gross total sales of CDs (both singles and albums), DVDs, and Blu-Ray Discs.

We’ve got the list of the ‘top 5′ artists with the highest record of sales down below!
1. Arashi – ¥17.163 billion/¥17,163,000,000 (approximately $204,321,424)
2. Tohoshinki - ¥9.431 billion/¥9,431,000,000 (approximately $112,273,808)
3. AKB48 – ¥7.092 billion/¥7,092,000,000 (approximately $84,408,472)
4. EXILE – ¥6.015 billion/¥6,015,000,000 (approximately $71,590,096)
5. Ikimonogakari – ¥5.618 billion/¥5,618,000,000 (approximately $66,865,032)
※None of the artists above have sales for Blu-Ray Discs

Those numbers are astounding, but they definitely provide solid statistics of the artists’ popularity!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Kopie satu!!!!!!!!! ngeh3^^
nyh sbnarnyew waktu holiday kat kl ary tuhh...
sje jerk tulis skunk...da x de bnde nk tulis...ngeh3^^

okayh...dye mcm cool blog gak r...
just dye x dew r brbgi2 cam cool blog...
theme dye  lbeyh kpd kopie r...
tp ade gak coklat...
 yurp! aq nyew coklat....
 sheeddapp taww yawlzz!!
 nyh akk aq nyew! Caramel Cappuccino!!!
 1 Malaysia!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

windukan dye~

eerrmmm...ble aq x de kedit...waktu tu la stiap ary dye nk misscall...
ble aq da topup...dye x nk call plak....
aq mcj dye...dye lgsung x blas....
dye sgaje kowt...
klu aq tnye kang...dye kate dye saje men msscll bdk2 nyh...

stiap aryh sblum aq tito....aq mesti berhrp sgt2 dye msscll aq...
aq hrp ble esok pg aq bgn...aq check enpon aq...ade msscll dr dye...
last dye msscll aq 9/11/12...
pastu no more msscll from him untill now...
nk je aq ckp prasaan aq....tp aq x nk jd prigi cari timba plak...
so....aq just...
biarkn aje lah dye...
dye ade kehidupan dye sendri....

nk wat cmne...
bunga bkn sekuntum...kumbang bkn seekor...

Monday, December 13, 2010

doakan aq dpt 8A~AMIINNN~~!!!

aq nk DSLR!!!! huhu...ayah aq ckp klu aq dpt 8A dlm PMR...ayah aq akn usahe bli kn aq DSLR....

well...kowank sumer yg tgh bce nyh.,..doa2kn r aq dpt 8A..AMIINN!!!
nnt insya-allah...dpt r aq mrase pki camera DSLR sndri....
x dewh r asyik pinjam camera org dok blagak cam camera sendri....huhu

doa2 kn aq yerk....AMIINN~~~
" Ya Allah Ya Tuhan-ku...yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Pemurah...kau kurniakanlah hamba-Mu ini keputusan 8A dalam PMR beliau Ya Allah~ kau berikanlah kami kejayaan didunia dan diakhirat Ya Allah~ kau berikanlah kami yang terbaik untuk diri kami ini Ya Allah~ kau perkenanlah doa ini Ya Allah~ kau makbulkanlah doa hamba-Mu ini yang lemah lagi tidak terdaya Ya Allah~sesungguhnya Engkau lah yang Maha Mendengar dan  Maha Memberi pertolongan~"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

my FIRST OMURICE!!!!!! ngeh3^^

nyh first time aq wat omurice..bgn2 sume prot kosong...pas2 akk tetibe tringin nk mkn omurice...tu yg cri kat youtube camne nk wat dye...pastu tgk r vid yg nyh.. :-

 vid dye agk simple n sng phm r...so kitorang try msk...
n...hasil nyew....

 nyh rupe nasi dye~~~tadaaa~kitorang gune sosej cheese gntikn ayam...ngeh3~~

prasan x akk aq tulis 'arashi' atas tlor tu? prasn x???

nyh plak rhupe ble dah dibungkus ngan tlor!!!! hahaha!!!

tp tlor dye sheedaap gileww...lembowt dowh!!! 
aq cmpor susu n garam 2 cubit...empok gileww~!!!

klu korang prasan...akk aq tulis "Arashi" atas tlor tu....prasan x?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Shimino Japanese Crepes!!

well...ary nyh aq nk citer psl japanese crepes yg aq mkn ;-SHIMINO!
terrbaaeekk wookk!!!
 location: 1utama...kat G.S.C!beshh!!!
nyh menu dyer! aq order blueberry butter cake!     
harajuku japanese crepes!popular in harajuku tau!!
nyh rupe tmpt dudok nyew...aq duduk kat krusi kecik snew tuu~
nyh rupe bli da di gulung! shheeeddaapppp!!!!ummpphh!!
koi nobori!!! aq tringin nk koi nobori!! tp akk aq ckp koi nobori nyh just utk bdk laki jerk....huhuh..(T^T)

aq yg suroh dye wat posing cenggini..
amacam..cun x?
kat MPH 1utama...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

instructions for installation themes!!

As requested ...i will post some information regarding the theme i'm using...
as  you noticed in my blog...the theme i'm using is from  Leelou Blogs 
*(credits to the owner of this blog!! ngee~)

well...i want to give some pics along this 'guide'...but i don't know how...huhu (T^T) so i just give uollz only the talk2...haha~
*(my english is sucks mannnn~)

1. go to the link above and pick  Freebies and click Blog Designs.
2. then choose Templates *(not background!)
3. then...you choose your own fav template and click it! be sure to look carefully for 2 columns and 3 columns...as for my blog...i choose the 3 columns!
4. click grab this layout
5. DON'T PANIC if it wants you to download the file! just download it! its SAFE!
6. then...you just follow the instructions that is already given...

like this! :-
Installation instructions:
1. Download the free blog code  (DO NOT OPEN THE DOCUMENT)
2. Save to your computer 
3. In your dashboard, select 'Design' and then 'Edit HTML'
4. Select 'Choose File' (find downloaded template xml file)
5. Select 'Open
6. Select 'Upload'
7. Select 'KEEP WIDGETS'

CONGRATS!!!! wiieee~~~!!!!!
enjoy your themes!!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oricon Monthly Charts for November released!

Oricon Monthly Charts for November released!

Oricon has just announced the results of its monthly charts for both singles and albums!
Check it out below!


1. “Hatenai Sora” – Arashi : 11/10 (640,070)
2. “CHANGE UR WORLD” – KAT-TUN : 11/17 (246,551)
3. “Fighting Man” – NEWS : 11/3 (171,044)
4. “1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku!” – SKE48 : 11/17 (134,017)
5. “Ryusei” – Kobukuro : 11/17 (113,503)
6. “Beginner” – AKB48 : 10/27 (113,125)
7. “Nee” – Perfume : 11/10 (98,485)
8. “Jumping” – KARA : 11/10 (79,377)
9. “Best Friend’s Girl” – 3 Daime J Soul Brothers : 11/10 (73,620)
10. “Kimitte” – Nishino Kana : 11/3 (70,944)


1. “Ikimonobakari ~members’ BEST selection~” – Ikimonogakari : 11/3 (821,853)
2. “THE BEST BANG!!” – Fukuyama Masaharu 11/17 (474,445)
3. “Utada Hikaru SINGLE COLLECTION Vol.2″ – Utada Hikaru : 11/24 (230,979)
4. ”Greatest Hits” – Bon Jovi : 11/3 (123,183)
5. “Girl’s Talk” – KARA : 11/24 (107,403)
6. “STAR” – Nakashima Mika : 10/27 (68,684)
7. “Enka Meikyoku Collection 13 ~Nijiiro no Bayon” – Hikawa Kiyoshi : 11/10 (59,450)
8, “Speak Now: – Taylor Swift : 11/10 (57,016)
9. “Togemaru” – Spitz : 10/27 (51,755)
10. “Houkago Tea Time II” – Houkago Tea Time : 10/27 (50,281)



Arashi Christmas Message

New Arashi's message in Johnny's net
find Arashi on the christmas tree and click it!

Merry Christmas!!
credit: misaki_rai