Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kursus Pertolongan Cemas Pengakap Kelanasiswa

On the past 19th April 2013, KKTM Rembau was the host of the program that was organized by the Negeri Sembilan Rover Scout. 

On day 1, we start our activity on 8.30 pm with ice breaking for all the scouts. we played some game called "People to People".

After done our activity for that night, KKTM Rembau's rover scout was gathered and undergoes a commissioning ceremony for scout. That night, we are officially a ROVER SCOUT !

Day 2, all the scouts are given the brief of how to do the CPR on emergency (the right method!)

lucky we don't have to do the mouth to mouth CPR. fuhh~!!

picture with all the scouts on that day ! Scout! huu HAA!!
the Rover scouts of Negeri Sembilan. Messenger of PEACE yaww!

At night on day 2, we had the Cultural Night or also known as Malam Kebudayaan.

we did all sorts of crazy stuff on that night. It was truly a precious thing to remember.

Last day, on 21st April 2013, we had the closing ceremony for the event. 


Sunday, May 29, 2011

James Maslow~? pown sbnarnye x tau r aq minat laki nyh ke x....
aq rase aq just suke tgk dye nyew idong je kowt....
mancong r pd aq idong dye~~~ hahaha♥ ♥ ♥
tp yg paling aq benci tgk kt muka dye :-


spoil gileew argh....hahahaha


Sunday, February 6, 2011

huhuhu...sob sob..

kn post yg lepas aq ckp aq nk bli mascaliner tuhh kn??
td pgi CS...dgn hrpn watson dye ade jual bnde tuhh...

pegi r...pastu nmpk r kolum Fasio kt watson tuhh...
hati da berbunge2 ble pke nnt dpt bli mascaliner tuhh...
pegi jerk kt tmpt fasio tuhh....X JMPE POWN MASCA-LINER TUHHH!!!!!

x pe r,....ade hikmah nyew kowt....
dye nk suro aq save duit kowt.....
watever lahh....huhu

Saturday, February 5, 2011


from the above title...I wanted that MASCALINER VERY MUCHHH!!!!!
aq siap mimpi mlm smalam aq pkai mascaliner tuhh seyh....
punye la teringin gilerrr smpi masok mimpi seyh....
itulah jename barangan yg jun kne wat cm...
ble aq tgk jer iklan truz nk bli kn!!!

yg nyh lahh yg aq nk sgt tuhh!!!!
nmpk x hujung dye ade eye liner???
nmpk kn???nmpk kn???

esok aq pgi nk cri bnde nyh smpi dpt!!
aritu da jmpe da...kat Watson kt angsana...
agak tekezut r bleyh jmpe kt c2...
hmmm...wokeyh r...
tu jerk r aq nk tulis....nnt lg byk aq tulis mkin x sbr aq nk bli bnde nyh...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

everything reminds me of them!!!!!

snap gmbo nyh kat McD smalam....
papa da jnji nk breakfast kat McD! tu yg smalam g sarap kat McD tuhh

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HAHA~x layann~~!!

kn smalam aq ckp psl aq kne kacau tuhh kn....
pastu malam td dye bg mesej....
memule dye ckp " anta gmbo pon..."
kn aq nyew limit sms da aq bio jerk r...

pastu dye bg mcj lg x lme lpas tuhh...
"npew tk wply tk nk men mcg nan cye ag ae"
haha...mmg aq x nk men mcj ngan ko lg pown....x kuase aq~

dlam ati aq just ade sorang jerk...opss! sorry...2 org jerk yg layak!!
that is NINO dan 'A'!!!!